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Change oracle data type

Run through the following steps, substituting your table and field names, and the required datatype.

-- Create a new temporary holding field with the target datatype
ALTER TABLE table_name
ADD     temporary_field VARCHAR2(100) NULL;

-- Move the data to the new field and cast to the new datatype accordingly
UPDATE table_name
SET     temporary_field=TO_CHAR(original_field);

-- If the original_field has dependent constraints, they

-- must be dropped now.

-- If the original_field is the primary key
-- Drop the primary key constraint
ALTER table table_name

-- If the original field cannot be null
-- Update the not null constraint for the original field

ALTER TABLE table_name
MODIFY  original_field NULL;

-- Delete everything in the original field
UPDATE table_name
SET     original_field=NULL;

-- Modify the datatype of the original field
ALTER TABLE table_name
MODIFY  original_field VARCHAR2(100);

-- Move the data back to the original field
UPDATE  table_name
SET     original_field=temporary_field;

-- Add the not null constraint back if necessary
ALTER TABLE table_name
MODIFY  original_field NOT NULL;

-- Add the primary key back if necessary
ALTER TABLE table_name
ADD PRIMARY KEY (original_field);

-- Drop the temporary holding field
ALTER TABLE table_name
DROP COLUMN temporary_field;

-- Done.